Pressable vs Bluehost (April 2024) – “WordPress Winner …”

Pressable Review Rating
Bluehost Review Rating

Is Pressable or Bluehost better for WordPress hosting? In this comparison of Pressable vs Bluehost, you’ll see which of these web hosts is better suited for your particular WordPress site. Bluehost is recommended by, but Pressable has become a very respected hosting provider in the WordPress community. Let’s see which one you should choose.

Pressable vs Bluehost: Details

Pressable Bluehost
WordPress Pre-Installed WordPress Pre-Installed
Optimized WordPress and WooCommerce Optimized Servers with WP Pro Only
Free CDN Cloudflare CDN
Free Site Migrations Free Site Migration
Website Cloning Included Staging Included
Automatic Daily Backups Automatic Data Backups
100% Uptime Guarantee
Responsive Support Responsive Support

Pressable vs Bluehost: Differences

Advantages of Pressable over Bluehost:

  • Superior Website Speed and Performance
  • Exclusively Focused on WordPress and WooCommerce Hosting
  • More Responsive Customer Support
  • 100% Uptime Guarantee
  • Performance Monitoring with Auto Server Failover

Advantages of Bluehost over Pressable:

  • Less Expensive
  • Easier for Beginners
  • Website Builder Included

Pressable vs Bluehost: WordPress Features

Both Pressable and Bluehost provide all the important features you need to run a successful WordPress website. Bluehost’s Shared Hosting plans are better geared for WordPress newbies while their Optimized WordPress Hosting plans provide more advanced features. Because Pressable focuses exclusively on WordPress hosting, all of their hosting plans include optimized features specifically for WordPress.

When comparing features, it’s actually a lot closer than you might think. Because Pressable offers premium WooCommerce hosting along with their 100% uptime guarantee, they get the edge here.

Pressable vs Bluehost: Speed and Performance

In the speed and performance category, Pressable is the clear winner. Their optimized WordPress environment, including their data network and server infrastructure, has produced some of the most impressive speed test results that we’ve encountered. My own personal experience utilizing Pressable hosting has also produced excellent website speed and performance.

While Bluehost has improved their site speed in both their Shared and Optimized WordPress hosting, they still can’t match Pressable here. See some sample speed test results from GTmetrix below:

Pressable Speed Test Results USA
Pressable Speed Test USA
Pressable Speed Test Results CAN
Pressable Speed Test Canada

Pressable vs Bluehost: Customer Support

Pressable is also the winner in the Customer Support category. Again, because they concentrate on WordPress, you get more consistent and responsive issue resolution and answers to your questions.

Although Bluehost had made some big strides in improving their support in recent years, they have recently fallen back to less impressive levels. Issue resolution isn’t as fast or as consistent as it had been. Therefore, Pressable gets the checkmark here as well.

How Does Pressable Compare with Other Web Hosts?

Pressable vs DreamHost
DreamHost is one of the hosting companies recommended by, and they have continually improved their DreamPress WordPress product since its debut. However, Pressable has become one of the more impressive WordPress hosting options…

Pressable vs InMotion
InMotion Hosting has long been a favorite and one of my top recommendations for web hosting. Meanwhile, Pressable focuses solely on WordPress and has become one of the better options if you’re looking for a great combination of value and features…

Pressable vs SiteGround
While SiteGround is the more affordable hosting option, Pressable also provides a lot of value with respect to the features included with their hosting plans. Let’s see which of these top WordPress hosting providers is the better choice…

Pressable vs WP Engine
In this comparison, we take a look at how a growing WordPress hosting provider (Pressable) matches up against an industry standard in managed WordPress hosting (WP Engine). Which one is better for individual websites? Which is better for WordPress developers and agencies…

How Does Bluehost Compare with Other Web Hosts?

Bluehost vs A2 Hosting
This comparison between A2 Hosting and Bluehost is extremely close. Both of these web hosts provide excellent cPanel web hosting plans…

Bluehost vs DreamHost
Bluehost and DreamHost are two of the most established and well-known web hosting companies. Bluehost is part of the Endurance International Group while DreamHost continues to operate as…

Bluehost vs GreenGeeks
GreenGeeks and Bluehost both provide effective cPanel web hosting with their Shared Hosting plans. While Bluehost now offers three different levels of Shared Hosting, GreenGeeks has one all-inclusive hosting plan that features unlimited resources…

Bluehost vs HostGator
In this comparison of Bluehost vs HostGator, we take a look at two of the best known web hosting companies under the EIG (Endurance International Group) umbrella. However, in keeping with their separate but equal philosophy, the web hosting by these two is not the same…

Bluehost vs InMotion
These are two excellent, well-established web hosting providers. Both InMotion and Bluehost offer great Shared, VPS, and Dedicated hosting…

Bluehost vs InterServer
If you’re trying to decide between Bluehost and InterServer, you may be surprised by our results. I currently use both of these web hosting companies…

Bluehost vs iPage
Both iPage and Bluehost offer Shared, VPS, and Dedicated hosting plans. This web hosting comparison focuses on shared hosting…

Bluehost vs SiteGround
SiteGround and Bluehost have many similarities within their web hosting offerings. SiteGround’s and Bluehost’s hosting plans are also very affordable…

Bluehost vs WP Engine
While WP Engine focuses solely on managed WordPress hosting, Bluehost offers a wide variety of hosting services. Therefore, this comparison is based specifically on Bluehost’s WordPress optimized hosting versus WP Engine…


Although both Pressable and Bluehost are capable of providing solid WordPress hosting, in this head-to-head comparison, the choices are clear.

If you’re looking for WordPress hosting for an established or critical website, then I would recommend Pressable. Pressable provides a more premium solution for WordPress and WooCommerce sites.

However, if you’re a beginner and are looking for an easier WordPress hosting and website building environment, then I would choose Bluehost.

Overall, in this comparison of Pressable vs Bluehost, Pressable is the winner. See our Pressable Review Ratings below:

Pressable Review Ratings

Features - 94%
Speed and Performance - 100%
Customer Support - 95%
Value - 97%


Impressive !

Pressable Hosting

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