Data backups are an essential part of any web hosting package. Although everyone should be sure to make their own backup copies of their website files, having your web host as an additional backup source can be a saving grace should you encounter an unfortunate mishap or malicious attack.
While all web hosting companies offer some type of data backup, their policies on backing up and restoring your data may vary widely. Also note that although most web hosts will back up your data for free, they will usually charge you a fee to restore it. Here is a detailed comparison list of web hosting companies and their backup and restore policies.
1&1 Hosting:
Daily Backups are Performed.
Webspace Recovery Tool can be used to restore your files.
Performs Courtesy Backups and will also do a courtesy restore if needed.
However, terms of use state that it is up to you to back up your files.
Backups can be generated from the DreamHost dashboard.
Go Daddy:
Offers an FTP Backup Option for an Additional Fee.
Offers Instant Backups via cPanel.
However, you are responsible for backing up and restoring on your own.
They do have a backup service that runs once per week, but there is an additional chart to restore the data.
InMotion Hosting:
Automatic Backups are Performed in a Secure Environment.
They will restore your data for free once every four months. Additional restores cost $49.
NetApp Snapshot Data Backups are Performed Daily.
There is a $12.95 fee per year and you can restore files from the last 7 days of server backups.
IX Web Hosting:
Maintains 2 Backups – One Local and One Remote.
Web servers are backed up locally once per week and are also backed up remotely during the week (Mon. to Fri.). Database servers are backed up twice a week locally, and remotely every two days. They do not charge for restoring your data.
Web Hosting Hub:
Data restores are subject to additional fees of up to $50.
WP Engine:
Automatically Back Up your Site Daily.
You have the ability to restore the data at no additional charge.