The Importance of the Internet, Websites, and Web Hosting

The Importance of the Internet and Web Hosting

If you’re looking for some added inspiration for finally creating your own website and getting in online, a quick look at some of the internet statistics from should do the trick. The cool thing about is that you can actually see the numbers increasing right before your eyes. While the figures below are rounded off snapshots of where we are currently, they certainly point out the potential audience you can reach.

2.9 Billion Internet Users
Yes, that’s almost 3 billion that are currently using the internet. This figure alone should get you running to create that website if you don’t already have one.

974 Million Total Websites
With the continued exponential growth of the internet, it isn’t surprising that the number of websites in existence is approaching 1 billion. While that is a lot, there is definitely still room for more as evidenced by the ever increasing number of internet users and google searches every day. From both a business and personal perspective, having your own website can project more professionalism, authority, and trust to your audience.

Web hosting companies have made the process of building and maintaining your own website very easy, quick, and inexpensive. So, whether you’re looking for business web hosting or personal blog hosting, there are super affordable deals to take advantage of.

3 Billion Google Searches per Day
Think about it—that’s 3 billion searches per day! And that’s just Google. While social media entries (Facebook pages, YouTube videos) are appearing more and more in search results, the majority of top search engine result entries are still individual websites. The fact remains that you have much more control with your own site when it comes to SEO.

3 Million Blog Posts Written per Day
Continuing with the idea of SERP, writing relevant blog posts continues to be one of the best ways to generate traffic. People will search for the information they want, and the search engines are placing a greater emphasis on relevant content. So, even if your main website is not a blog, it’s a good idea to create one and link it to your site.

With WordPress blogs accounting for something like 20% of the websites currently in existence, web hosting companies are more cognizant than ever to cater to WP users. Most web hosting plans include WordPress. And, if you need more specialized help or processing power, there are now quite a few premium WordPress hosting plans available.

200 Billion Emails Sent per Day
It’s clear that email remains the most preferred method of communication these days–with 200 billion emails sent every day. So while social media gets most of the buzz these days, don’t overlook the email features of your web hosting plan.

612 Million Tweets per Day
7.2 Billion YouTube Videos Viewed per Day
93 Million Photos Uploaded to Instagram per Day
1.2 Facebook Active Users
500 Million Google+ Active Users
275 Million Twitter Active Users
39 Million Pinterest Active Users

Speaking of social media, the numbers above show the enormous impact of Twitter, Facebook, etc. However, social media is best used as a complement to your own website. When you create and get your own website hosted online, it’s yours. You don’t have to follow your social media site’s rules or be concerned that they’re going to control your stuff. You have the freedom to include your content the way you want and design your site the way you prefer. You definitely want to use social media to drive traffic to your website. But, your main focus should be on constantly monitoring and improving your own site first.

Though your web hosting doesn’t have a direct connection to social media, a number of web hosts offer free ad credits for Facebook, Yahoo, and Google.

Looking at the above numbers, there is no question that the internet is your best avenue for getting your message and vision to your audience—whether for business or personal use. And in my opinion (and many others), by far the best vehicle for accomplishing your goals is having your own website.

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