Don’t Pay Extra for these Web Hosting Features

Web Hosting Extras

As the web hosting companies vie to get your business, more and more web hosting plans are including improved or extra features for your websites. At least, that’s normally the case. Surprisingly though, sometimes certain hosting company’s plans charge you extra for things that should be (and are) included in other plans. Be sure not to pay extra fees for these features.

One hosting company is charging almost $10 mo. extra for “Premium” support via phone and chat. Quite honestly, any support some company offers should be the best they can offer (i.e. premium) and this should be included free with your plan. I’m not sure what exactly constitutes premium support at this company, but I’d certainly move on to another host.

SiteLock Security is one of the best tools out there to protect your website from malware and other attacks, but most web hosting companies will require that you pay extra for this protection. However, some web hosts such as iPage offer it as a free extra you can install on your site.

SEO is very important for increasing your website audience. However, be careful about search engine submission add-ons. I actually saw one web hosting company charging over a hundred dollars per month to add these kinds of tools. If you’re willing to invest the extra money for these services, you are probably better off looking to an outside company that specializes in SEO. Otherwise, you can definitely find some hosting plans that give you free search engine submission tools which are usually more than adequate to get you started.

The biggest rip off I’ve seen is a web hosting company charging $2.00 a month extra if you want cPanel! That’s ridiculous. This is a company I actually used previously. Stuff like this is why I no longer use them. In these cases, just say no and move on.

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