Most web hosting companies do a pretty good job of securing your website these days. However, that certainly doesn’t mean your site can’t or won’t be hacked or attacked. Fortunately, more and more web hosts are now providing an extra level of security with their web hosting plans. Here’s a look at a few.
At iPage, you are given the ability to install Site Lock Security for free. Site Lock Security will scan, detect, and remove malware from your website. It will also monitor your site for reputation management and to prevent your website from getting on search engine blacklists. Site Lock will also scan your programs to make sure you have the most updated versions—which is very important in preventing malicious attacks. And you also get added network and database protection. 1&1 Hosting is also offering Site Lock Security but you do have to pay a small additional fee of .99 per month. Over at Go Daddy, their Ultimate Hosting plan includes a malware scanner to protect your site.
Spam, viruses, and phishing email are more security related issues you need to deal with when you have a website. But again, it’s good to see that many web hosting companies are now providing more support in this area. For example, gives your added spam filtering and anti-virus protection through Google’s Postini. And most web hosting companies now provide spam assassin protection for email.
While it may not always be possible to make your site 100% attack proof, it’s great to see web hosting companies doing their best to provide that extra security to make sure your site is as safe as possible.