Web Hosting Companies Giving Back

Web Hosting Charities

It may surprise some people, but these days many web hosting companies are giving back to the community by contributing to a number of charities. Make no mistake, web hosts are in business to make a profit. But it’s great to see how some are giving back to help out those in need. Here are just some of the examples of web hosting companies helping out.

DreamHost picks a new charity every few months and accepts donations on their behalf. They then quadruple the amount donated by customers and give that to the charity. Past contributions have been made to Susan G. Komen for the Cure, American Lung Association, American Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, and many more. In addition, DreamHost provides free web hosting to 501c3 non-profit organizations in the U.S.

When you shop at Go Daddy, you have the option of rounding up your purchase amount to the nearest dollar. The difference is then donated to charity. Though this amount individually may only be a few cents, with Go Daddy’s over 10 million customers, the total amount can have a huge impact on lives. They also have their own volunteer program that gives their time and talents to charities for children, women, animals, and other causes.

Network Solutions, the original domain name registrar, also has an extensive corporate philanthropy program which includes not only raising money but also donating time and services to improve communities and lives. Network Solutions is involved in both company wide and office specific charity efforts. The United Way and National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship are supported company wide. While their individual offices support a wide variety of local programs including housing, food and blood drives, animal shelters, and many more.

While the above efforts are very commendable, here’s hoping that more web hosting companies will follow their leads and join in to participate in supporting their communities and improving the quality of life for those less fortunate.

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