Convesio Review (2025)

Convesio Review

2025 Best Web Hosting
Best Web Hosting Award Winner: Best Enterprise Hosting
While cheap web hosting often gets the headlines and publicity, there are many situations where it definitely isn’t the best choice. For example, if you’re going to have a high-traffic site or a mission-critical website that has to be available and performing at peak levels for your business. Or, you may run a WordPress agency or development company that needs multiple sites for your clients that run fast and securely. Here, in my Convesio Review I’ll show you why they are the best choice for these website owners.

What Separates Convesio from Other WordPress Hosts?

Like other premium managed WordPress hosts, Convesio’s main goals are to provide super fast performing websites, mission-critical security, premium WordPress hosting features, and expert customer support. But, unlike the others, Convesio has custom built their WordPress tech stack and utilizes Docker Containers and proprietary technology to create an impressive, high-availability and auto-scaling WordPress hosting environment with fast caching and self-healing website features.

The other big area where Convesio distinguishes themselves is with their HIPAA Compliant hosting, as well as being a CBD and gun-friendly web host. So, if you’re a healthcare professional, or you have a website or online store related to these types of products, Convesio is a great option for you.

Convesio Hosting Plans and Pricing

Convesio Pricing and Plans

At first glance, you’ll see that Convesio is certainly not the cheapest WordPress hosting alternative—and it’s not supposed to be. Convesio hosting plans are definitely for mission-critical, high-traffic sites—primarily for mid-market or enterprise applications. The other area where Convesio makes sense is for WordPress agencies that need premium hosting for their client’s websites.

It’s also important to note that while Convesio’s pricing may seem on the higher side, you’d probably have to pay much more for equivalent hosting from one of the other major premium web hosts. The reason being that Convesio includes premium features that other WordPress hosts will charge extra for.

Website Setup and Propagation

If you’re migrating an existing website, the team at Convesio will definitely help you out. They can even do a free clone of your existing site where you can then test it out. Convesio offers a free 7 day trial.

Convesio Free Trial

If you’re creating a new site with Convesio, the process is very quick and easy. In our case, we were able to quickly create a new WordPress site, add and point a domain over to Convesio, and have SSL installed. We had a basic WordPress website up and running within a few hours. And, if you need any help along the way, Convesio’s expert WordPress support team is easily available via live chat (see below for more info on Convesio customer support).

Creating a New Website

Working Within the Convesio Dashboard Interface

Convesio Dashboard

I found working within the Convesio user dashboard very intuitive. They’ve done an excellent job making features easily accessible. I like the extensive website traffic data displayed on the main page.

Website Speed and Performance

How fast are websites hosted by Convesio? In addition to a load balanced environment with auto-scaling, Convesio is built on the Google and Amazon global networks with edge caching and Docker containers. In our testing, Convesio was outstanding. Page loading times were excellent, as were all core web vitals.

Convesio Speed Test Results
Convesio Speed Test Results
Convesio Core Web Vitals
Convesio Core Web Vitals

Convesio Data Backup and Restore

Convesio Data Backup and Restore

Convesio includes both an automatic data backup feature as well as the ability to create snapshot backups that you can use to restore, download, or create a new clone site. We found the automatic and snapshot backup features to very effective and easy to use. You can also use the Convesio backup features to create a cloning site (see below).

Website Staging and Cloning

The one area where Convesio could improve is with website staging. Currently, Convesio does not include a traditional website staging and development environment. However, you can create a copy of your live site from a snapshot backup and use this new site like a staging copy. The good news is that according to Convesio, support for traditional staging and development sites is in their future plans.

Customer Support

Convesio gets high marks for customer support. You can easily access online chat support via your dashboard. We found response times to be very good and issue resolution excellent. Below is a snippet of a recent chat support session.

Convesio Customer Support

And, another great benefit with Convesio Support is that you can setup a Slack channel for even better online communication and assistance.

Convesio Benefits for WordPress Agencies

While Convesio is a perfect fit for high-traffic and enterprise WordPress applications, another great strength in my opinion is their WordPress agency hosting plans. Convesio has hosting plans for both small and larger agencies. For example, you can get their 10 WordPress Install Agency plan starting at $350 mo. There are many other hosting plans available for medium and larger size WordPress agencies. And, you can also work with Convesio to create your own customized agency plan.

How Does Convesio Compare to Other Web Hosts?

Convesio vs Cloudways
In this comparison of Convesio vs Cloudways, we take a look at two top choices for serious WordPress hosting solutions. Convesio utilizes their custom-built platform that differs from …

Convesio vs SiteGround
Should you choose SiteGround or Convesio for your critical WordPress website hosting? In this comparison of Convesio vs SiteGround, we take a detailed look to see what you get with these two hosts and …

Convesio vs WP Engine
WP Engine has long been an industry standard for managed WordPress hosting, while Convesio focuses on top-of-the-line WordPress hosting for mid-market and enterprise applications …

Recommendation – Who Should Choose Convesio Web Hosting?

In our testing, Convesio included a great working interface, delivered outstanding website speed and performance, and provided responsive expert WordPress hosting support. Because Convesio isn’t the cheapest web hosting option, it probably isn’t the best choice for beginners just starting out with a smaller scale WordPress website. However, if you need WordPress hosting for a high-traffic, critical business website, then Convesio is one of the best choices—particularly for enterprise WordPress applications.

While enterprise WordPress applications will definitely benefit from Convesio’s custom-built, high performing hosting platform, another area where Convesio distinguishes themselves from other hosts is their willingness to host websites that include sensitive products or topics such as CBD, cannabis, and guns. Also, healthcare professionals can benefit from Convesio’s HIPAA compliant web hosting.

And, with their scaleable, fast WordPress hosting platform, Convesio’s other strength is in the agency hosting area. If you need premium, lightning-fast WordPress hosting for your clients that is tailor-made for high-traffic sites, then we highly recommend checking out the WordPress Agency hosting plans at Convesio.

Remember, Convesio can create a clone of your existing site so you can test it out for free on their platform. Click the link below to get started.

9.9out of 10


Speed and Performance10.0

Customer Support10.0


Click Here for a Free 7 Day Trial with Convesio

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