Both of these web hosting companies provide excellent plans that are loaded with extra features. So, comparing Arvixe to SiteGround is a close call. Arvixe and SiteGround‘s hosting plans both give you plenty of useful features at very reasonable prices. Therefore, they each get high scores for value. Both Arvixe and SiteGround have servers located on multiple continents.
Arvixe is a good choice for a lot of different types of websites—including Dreamweaver and Adobe GoLive. And we do like the free domain for life and 60 day money back guarantee you get with Arvixe. Going with Arvixe will give you lots features at a lower price.
On the other hand, SiteGround does specialize in WordPress and Joomla hosting. So if you plan to use one of these content management systems, SiteGround is probably the better choice. We really like the premium WordPress and Joomla features you get at SiteGround. Comparable managed WordPress hosting plans elsewhere will cost you much more than what you pay at SiteGround.
Be sure to check out the specific advantages to each of these web hosting companies below. These are two quality web hosts, so your choice may depend on what type of application software or CMS you intend to use for your website.
UPDATE: As of August 2016 we would highly recommend SiteGround over Arvixe. While SiteGround continues to innovate and improve their web hosting services, Arvixe now has an F rating with the Better Business Bureau. Furthermore, when Arvixe automatically renewed a hosting plan that I didn’t wish to keep, they did not immediately issue a refund.

Started Business: 2003
BBB Rating: F
Data Center Location: Dallas TX, Amsterdam, Hong Kong
Price: $4.00 mo. – $35.00 mo.
Unlimited Bandwidth: Yes
Unlimited Storage: Yes
Unlimited Email: Yes
Host Multiple Domains: Yes
Hosting Interface: cPanel
Server Uptime: 99.9%
Full Refund Period: 60 Days
Dedicated Hosting Available: Yes
Free Extras:
Free Website Transfer
Free Online Store
$100 Google Adwords Voucher
$100 Yahoo! Bing Voucher
Advantages of Choosing Arvixe:
- Free domain for life.
- Returning customer discounts.
- Dreamweaver and Adobe GoLive Compatible
- Attracta SEO
- Unlimited Databases
- Live chat support available.
- 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
Click here to see more details on Arvixe

Started Business: 2004
BBB Rating: A
Data Center Location: Chicago IL, Amsterdam NL, Singapore SG, London UK
Price: $3.95 mo. – $14.95 mo.
Unlimited Bandwidth: Yes
Unlimited Storage: No (10GB – 30 GB)
Unlimited Email: Yes
Host Multiple Domains: Yes (except StartUp plan)
Hosting Interface: cPanel
Server Uptime: 99.9%
Full Refund Period: 30 Days
Dedicated Hosting Available: Yes
Free Extras:
CloudFlare CDN
Free backup and restore (except with StartUp plan)
Free Let’s Encrypt SSL
Advantages of Choosing SiteGround:
- Free website transfer.
- Servers on three continents.
- Managed WordPress and Joomla services available.
- In-House SuperCacher service included.
- cPanel and Softaculous interfaces.
- They offer phone, email, and chat support.
- Fast and responsive live chat support.