Entrepreneurs are certainly a significant group of web hosting customers. If you want to get your ideas, products, and services out to the masses, you’ve got to have an online presence. When shopping for web hosting, entrepreneurs need to look for some key features that should be included in their hosting plan.
The best web hosting for entrepreneurs should include the ability to host as many domains as needed. After all, you may have a plethora of great ideas in many different areas. In this case, being able to create separate websites is often necessary. Entrepreneurs should also be sure their hosting package includes a good selection of applications that they might need to incorporate into their sites in the future. In addition to content management systems and website builders, you should also make sure you get ecommerce options, as well as applications like forums, project management, and polls & surveys.
Also, because entrepreneurs will likely have multiple sites online, it’s important to choose a web hosting plan that provides great SEO and analytical tools to be able to study and track your website statistics.
I think two of the best web hosting companies for entrepreneurs are Web Hosting Hub and Bluehost. I’ve used both of these hosts and have been highly satisfied.
Web Hosting Hub lets you host unlimited sites at a very reasonable price. Not only do you get access to WordPress and Joomla, but you also get access to over 280 other applications you can add to your site. What I also like about Hub is that your website stats are listed separately for each of your sites in Webalizer. This makes it much easier to analyze your data.
Bluehost is another great option for entrepreneurs. Again, not only do you get the ability to host unlimited sites and domains, but you get access to a great collection of content management systems and other web applications. Bluehost does cost a bit more than Web Hosting Hub, but you do get some nice SEO tools with your account. And like Hub, your Webalizer stats are kept separately for each of your sites.