Web Hosting Renewal Rates 2015

Web Hosting Renewal Rates 2015

With all of the great web hosting deals currently being offered, it’s always important to keep in mind that these introductory prices are usually heavily discounted and your renewal rates will generally be higher. While price is a key factor for many website owners shopping for hosting, most people don’t mind paying the extra amount to renew if they are completely satisfied with their web hosting company.

Just as web hosting sale prices can vary greatly, so do the renewal rates for hosting plans. Some renewal prices are higher by 300% or more, while a few web hosts don’t increase their prices at all for renewals.

Here are the results from our survey of web hosting renewal rates. A couple of things to keep in mind here: First, be aware that some web hosting companies will provide existing customers with a discount at renewal time—so the percentage increase will be lower than what is listed below. Also, remember that prices are constantly changing—with special sales frequently being offered. However, the data below should be useful as a guide to knowing what type of price increase to expect at each web hosting company. Percentage increase amounts listed are based on the lowest price plan offered by each web host.

Renewal Rates by Web Hosting Company

1&1 Hosting





InMotion Hosting






Web Hosting Hub

WP Engine


Remember that web hosting plan prices and renewal rates only tell part of the story. While some plans may cost less or have a very low renewal rate, you may have to pay additional fees for items that are included at no extra charge elsewhere. Be sure you know exactly what’s included in the hosting plan you choose.

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