HostGator Raises Web Hosting Prices

HostGator Price Increase

In a surprise move, HostGator has announced that due to a changing hosting industry and increased costs, effective August 25, 2015, they are raising the prices of their hosting plans across the board (Hatchling, Baby, and Business Plans included). Although a number of web hosting companies did raise prices earlier this year, things seemed to have settled down lately with prices stabilizing and quite a few big hosting sales being held. So, this is certainly an interesting development.

The new price hike by HostGator definitely makes their hosting plans less attractive compared to others. I would recommend you wait for one of their flash sales if you feel HostGator is the best web hosting company for your website.

Here is HostGator’s new price structure*:

*It’s also important to keep in mind that these are introductory prices. So you’re renewal rates will be higher.

It will be very interesting to see whether other web hosting companies follow suit and raise their prices as well. We will do our best to keep you informed of any further news concerning web hosting plan price increases.

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