Flywheel Makes Local WordPress Development Easier


For WordPress developers and consultants, one of the headaches in the past has been trying to create applications locally in order to show them to their clients for approval and demo purposes. Yes, it could be done, but the process is rather tedious and time consuming. However, Flywheel (specializing in Managed WordPress Hosting) has now made things much easier with their local development app.

Being able to work locally on your WordPress sites is a huge boost for developers and consultants. You don’t have to worry about having an internet connection to a server, so you can work on your websites anywhere with your laptop computer. You can also meet up with your clients anywhere and show off your work.

Flywheel’s Local by Flywheel application is available for both Mac and PC. You can download the app for free. When you install Local by Flywheel, WordPress is automatically installed, so you don’t need to perform that separate step. You can then work directly within the WordPress dashboard where you have access to themes and plugins that you can install and work with locally.

Local by Flywheel is free to download and use. You don’t have to be a Flywheel customer either. However, there are some definite advantages if you do use their managed WordPress hosting. With a Flywheel hosting account you can easily upload your local sites, as well as pull down a current copy of your live site to work on locally. You don’t have to worry about uploading and downloading your files and databases separately.

If you need to do a lot of WordPress work locally, I would definitely recommend you check out the new Local by Flywheel application.

To download Local by Flywheel for free, go to the Flywheel homepage and click on the Products menu. You’ll see the Local by Flywheel option. Just click the Learn More button.

Get the Flywheel Local Development App for Free Here

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