These two web hosts are excellent choices for blogger hosting. In the past, we probably would have given the edge to Web Hosting Hub when comparing it to GreenGeeks. But while Hub does provide some advantages, overall we now like GreenGeeks as a hosting solution. Here’s why.
Web Hosting Hub and GreenGeeks both have three different levels of hosting plans you can choose from. Therefore, both of these web hosts are good choices if you need more resources and power without having to upgrade to VPS Hosting.
The customer service at both GreenGeeks and Web Hosting Hub has been excellent over the years. However, lately I have to say that the live chat response times at GreenGeeks have been superior. The GreenGeeks support agents are always helpful and courteous, and because of the response times, we have to give the edge to GreenGeeks here.
Performance-wise, it’s a split decision. In terms of uptime performance, GreenGeeks has been slightly better. When it comes to website speed, Web Hosting Hub’s higher level plans provide additional resources that can provide faster loading sites. For bloggers, my experience has been that both web hosts provide more than adequate resources for successful websites.
In conclusion, while I would say that this comparison is extremely close, overall we would recommend GreenGeeks at this time.
Started Business: 2008
Data Center Location: Chicago IL, Montreal Canada, Amsterdam NL, Singapore ASIA
Price: $2.95 mo. – $10.95 mo.
Unlimited Bandwidth: Yes
Unlimited Storage: Yes
Unlimited Email: Yes
Host Multiple Domains: Yes
Hosting Interface: cPanel
Server Uptime: 99.9%
Full Refund Period: 30 Days
Dedicated Hosting Available: Yes
Free Extras:
Attracta SEO and Marketing Tools
Free nightly data backups
Free Solid State Drives (SSDs)
Free Let’s Encrypt Wildcard SSL
Advantages of Choosing GreenGeeks:
Started Business: 2010
Data Center Location: Los Angeles, CA
Price: $3.99 mo. – $10.99 mo.
Unlimited Bandwidth: Yes
Unlimited Storage: Yes
Unlimited Email: Yes
Host Multiple Domains: Yes
Hosting Interface: cPanel
Server Uptime: N/A
Full Refund Period: 90 Days
Dedicated Hosting Available: No
Free Extras:
Free SSD Drives
Free SSL Certificates
$100 Google Adwords Credit
$75 Yahoo!/Bing Advertising Credit
$75 Free Clicks in Amazon Product Ads
Business Listing on
Advantages of Choosing Web Hosting Hub:
For most websites, in this comparison we would recommend GreenGeeks. See our GreenGeeks review ratings below:
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