Is InMotion Hosting Any Good?

If you are considering InMotion Hosting to host your web site, you might be wondering if they’re a good web hosting company and if they’ll be a good fit for your website. Those who have visited my site here probably know that I’m a big fan of InMotion. In fact, they host this actual website—in addition to a number of my other sites. I’ve been using InMotion for many years now, and from the beginning, I have been extremely impressed and satisfied with their service.

I have never experienced any downtime problems with my sites. And I’ve never had a problem with a slow performing website. With speed becoming an important factor in SEO, I was even more pleased when InMotion recently upgraded their network and server environments. With their Max Speed Zone technology, my sites at InMotion have always run fast, and now with their upgrades, I’ve noticed even better performance. They even told me they have been able to achieve 99.999% network availability.

I’ve also written before about the support at InMotion. I’ll just sum it up here by saying they have always been prompt, courteous, and helpful when I have contacted them. I especially like InMotion for small and medium business websites.

InMotion Hosting
Reviewed by Michael James on

Rating: 5

Click here to see my more detailed review of InMotion Hosting.

Michael James

Michael James is the Founder and Editor of After spending 15 years in the IT industry, he now publishes multiple websites to help business owners and bloggers.