One of the topics I’ve written about extensively in the past is business web hosting and the additional features you should look for if you plan on having a business website. More specifically, InMotion Hosting has been the web host I often recommend if you’re looking for business web hosting. Are they your only choice? The answer is, of course not. But while there are many more expensive business hosting plans available, are you really getting more bang for your buck?
There are a number of specific one to one comparisons between InMotion and other hosting companies you can check out on our site. Also, I encourage you to take a look at my review of InMotion Hosting. In this article, let’s take a deeper dive into their Business Power Hosting Plan—the one that I’ve used since 2009—and see what features can help you successfully host your site.
The first three items are pretty standard for all quality hosting plans. However, the free website transfer service is definitely noteworthy. Many site owners are concerned about the cost and hassle of switching web hosts. With InMotion, you can have this taken care of for you.
Data backup and restore is also a feature I’ve written about before. Although most web hosting companies state they give you free backups, they usually charge an additional fee to actually have your data restored. With InMotion’s business hosting, you can have your data restored for free once every four months. I’ve taken advantage of this feature and was very glad it was included.
InMotion Hosting’s customer support gets extremely high marks from me. Whenever I’ve had any questions, they always provide prompt, courteous, and helpful service. And in my tests, their live chat support has continued to have the fastest response times.
With InMotion’s hosting plans, you get one of the longest money back guarantee periods (90 days). So, if things don’t work out, you can still get a full refund. Personally, I don’t use advertising credits. But if you want to utilize Google and Yahoo advertising for your business site, you’re good to go.
I’ve recently implemented SpamAssassin which you get with the InMotion Power Plan, and it has been a great help in dealing with unwanted email messages. As far as email accounts and delivery, I have not experienced any problems.
InMotion Hosting uses top of the line hardware together with their Max Speed Zone Technology to provide outstanding network performance and faster page load times. I’ve personally visited their data center in Los Angeles and was very impressed with the quality of machines in place and those currently being rolled out.
Whether you plan to build a website using a content management system (such as WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal), use the website builder you receive with the Power Business Plan, or create your site using other tools, the cPanel interface provides easy access to over 300 applications.
The InMotion Power Plan provides the above amounts of hosted domains, databases, sub domains, and parked domains. If you need higher levels, you can upgrade to their Pro Plan. For me (and I would think the majority of website owners), the above amounts have been more than adequate.
InMotion Hosting has been a great choice for me over the years and I would encourage you to take a look at their hosting packages—particularly if you are planning on a business web site. The features, power, and performance they have provided are top-notch even when compared to more expensive business hosting plans. The regular price for InMotion Hosting’s Power Plan is $9.99 mo., but you can use the link below for a 40% discount.
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