How do Arvixe and InMotion Hosting compare? While you can purchase Shared, VPS, and Dedicated hosting from both of these companies, our comparison focuses primarily on their Business Hosting Plans.
Arvixe and InMotion offer some excellent features for business websites. Both provide unlimited storage and bandwidth, as well as multiple domain hosting. You get cPanel hosting with both Arvixe and InMotion, and both web hosts provide very impressive business class hardware. And, we also like the data backup and restore included with both of these hosting plans. Arvixe business hosting is Cloudflare CDN ready, while InMotion Hosting utilizes their Max Speed Zone technology.
But while both of these web hosting companies have quality business hosting plans, the prices at Arvixe are noticeably higher—which is where InMotion has the advantage. Even InMotion Hosting’s top or Pro Level Business Hosting Plan costs less than Arvixe’s standard business plan.
Arvixe does include a dedicated IP address and SSL certificate (as well as a free domain as long as you have your account). However, the SSL certificate included is a Shared Certificate—not a Dedicated one. Keep in mind if you needed the above items and paid the additional fees at InMotion, your total cost would still be less than the cost of the Arvixe Pro Business Plan.
UPDATE: Please note that this is no longer a close comparison. InMotion Hosting wins hands down! Due to Arvixe removing some of the extra features that were previously included with their plans, and the fact that their auto renewal process leaves a lot to be desired, we can’t really recommend them. Apparently, they automatically renew your account some 15 days before the end of your term, and if you didn’t want to renew and request a refund, it can be a big hassle trying to get your money back. Please also note that Arvixe now has an F rating with the Better Business Bureau.
Started Business: 2003
BBB Rating: D
Data Center Location: Dallas TX, Amsterdam, Hong Kong
Price: $22.00 mo. – $35.00 mo.
Unlimited Bandwidth: Yes
Unlimited Storage: Yes
Unlimited Email: Yes
Host Multiple Domains: Yes
Hosting Interface: cPanel
Server Uptime: 99.9%
Full Refund Period: 60 Days
Dedicated Hosting Available: Yes
Free Extras:
Free Website Transfer
Free Site Builder
Free Online Store
$100 Google Adwords Voucher
$100 Yahoo! Bing Voucher
Advantages of Choosing Arvixe:
Started Business: 2001
BBB Rating: A+
Data Center Locations: Los Angeles, CA and Ashburn, VA
Price: $2.49 mo. – $12.99 mo.
Unlimited Bandwidth: Yes
Unlimited Storage: Yes
Unlimited Email: Yes
Host Multiple Domains: Yes
Hosting Interface: cPanel
Server Uptime: 99.9%
Full Refund Period: 90 Days
Dedicated Hosting Available: Yes
Free Extras:
Solid State Drives (SSDs)
Free SSL Certificates
Free Website Transfers
Safe Application Rollback
$75 – $100 Google Adwords Credit
Premium Website Builder
Advantages of Choosing InMotion:
For most websites, in this comparison we would recommend InMotion Hosting. See our InMotion Hosting review ratings below:
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