What Version of MySQL/MariaDB Does Your Web Host Support?

Here is our current listing of Version Support for MySQL/MariaDB databases for each web hosting company. Along with programming, database management is key for website development projects. While MySQL is still widely used, because of it’s also open-source and somewhat faster than MySQL, MariaDB has also become a popular supported database among web hosts. However, versions can vary widely and are frequently updated. For those reasons, please check back here often for the latest updated version support.

As we do for PHP Version Support, below are the current database recommendations for the major content management system (WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal).

Here are the Latest Database Recommendations as of February 2024

MySQL 5.7 or Higher
MariaDB 10.4 or Higher

Drupal 10:
MySQL 5.7.8 or Higher
MariaDB 10.3.7 or Higher

Drupal 11:
MySQL 8.0
MariaDB 10.6

MySQL 8.1
MariaDB 11.1.0

Web Hosting Database Version Support as of February 2024

Web Host MySQL MariaDB
A2 Hosting 8.0.35
Bluehost 8.0.27
Cloudways 10.5
Convesio 10.6.8
DreamHost 8.0
FastComet 8.0
GoDaddy 5.7.38 10.6
GreenGeeks 10.5
HostGator 5.7
HostPapa 8.0.36
Hostinger 10.5
InMotion Hosting 10.5.23
InterServer 8.0 10.11
Kinsta 8.0 10.6
Namecheap 10.5
Nexcess 10.5.16
Pressable 10.x
Rocket 8.0.36
SiteGround 5.7
WP Engine 8.0
WPX Hosting 10.5

*Note that some web hosting providers, such as Kinsta, offer both MySQL and MariaDB. Some web hosts, such as Pressable, may offer multiple versions of MariaDB and do not have a single fixed version for all.

This page will be continually updated.

Be sure to bookmark this page to keep updated on what database versions are supported by each web hosting company.

Click Here to see a list of current PHP Versions Supported

Michael James

Michael James is the Founder and Editor of WebHostingCat.com. After spending 15 years in the IT industry, he now publishes multiple websites to help business owners and bloggers.