On the surface, the term business web hosting would seem to be pretty straight forward—web hosting for a business website. It’s when you start to try and define what specific features make up a business hosting plan that some questions may arise as to just what exactly that label means. Some people consider all paid hosting plans as business hosting—distinguishing it from various forms of free web hosting. I certainly wouldn’t go that far. Here are the factors I’d consider critical to any hosting plan considered as business web hosting.
Let’s start with the basics. A business web hosting plan should include unlimited disk storage and bandwidth. It should allow you to host multiple domains. Your email capabilities also shouldn’t be limited. And, ecommerce solutions should also be available. However, a lot of today’s web hosting packages include these items and not all of these plans should be considered business hosting.
To truly be considered as a business web hosting solution, I’d say that your hosting plan should also include some type of free backup and restore service, detailed website stat capabilities, content management software applications, and above all, a business hosting plan should have the ability to let your site run faster and stay online with the fewest possible downtimes (for example, see InMotion Hosting’s Max Speed Zones).
Keep in mind here that I’m referring to hosting for small to medium sized business at the most. Enterprise wide business hosting would certainly consist of dedicated servers and more.
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