Frequently, web hosting shoppers want to compare web hosting companies to see which plan is better suited for their websites. On, we have a few different types of comparisons. Besides directly comparing Web Host A with Web Host B, we also look at how web hosting companies stack up within a certain function (such as Business Web Hosting and Customer Support) or how web hosts compare regarding a certain technology (such as WordPress Hosting).
The latest web hosting comparison piece I’ve written takes a look at Web Hosting Hub vs. Namecheap—two web hosting companies definitely geared towards bloggers and entrepreneurs. Having used both of these web hosts, I do favor one over the other. However, your situation may be different. One of the advantages of both Web Hosting Hub and Namecheap is that they have different levels of shared hosting packages that allow you to acquire more resources and processing power without having to spend a lot more on VPS or Dedicated Hosting.
I invite you to take a look at the detailed Web Hosting Hub and Namecheap comparison page here.
How dose Hostinger compare to GoDaddy? Which web host is better? In this comparison of…