Having auto renewal set up for your web hosting and domain names can be a great convenience. However, there may be times when you may not want to auto renew (see my previous post on auto renewing your web hosting). While having your web hosting account set to auto renewal isn’t usually a problem, if you have a lot of domain names, there could be times when you want to renew only certain ones. Such is the case for me.
I have a bunch of domain names at Go Daddy since I prefer to use their domain registrar and management services. When you purchase domain names there, you do get a check box option to indicate if you want to set up auto renewal for the domain. Normally, I set the renewal option to manual—just to keep my options open. So, I was completely surprised when a while back I received an email notice from Go Daddy that one of my domains had been auto renewed for me. Whether I forgot to uncheck auto renew or something else happened to change the status, this was one of my domains I didn’t plan on renewing. I immediately notified customer support and they quickly reversed the charges.
If you’re not sure about the renewal statuses of your domains at Go Daddy, here’s how to check your domains and set them to manual renewal if you don’t want them auto renewed.
First, log in to your account on the Go Daddy Website.
From your account screen, click the Launch button for the Domains section.
On the Domain Manager screen, check the Auto Renew column to see if there are any checkmarks to indicate that auto renewal has been set up.
To change the status to Manual Renewal, hover over the checkmark and click on the Edit link.
From here you can now turn off auto renewal and click Save.
It may take a few minutes for your changes to show up on the Domain Manager, but you should now be all set.
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