A2 Hosting has clearly established itself as one of the premier choices for web hosting. I’ve used A2 Hosting’s Shared and VPS hosting plans, and they’re frequently on our recommendation lists for many types of hosting. However, as with other top web hosting companies, A2 is not satisfied with the status quo. One of the criteria we always use to evaluate a web host is their continued innovation and improvements. A2 Hosting has recently announced a number of improvements they have implemented.
PHP 7 Support
With content management platforms such as WordPress and Joomla now recommending PHP 7, website owners are now being encouraged to upgrade. We recently posted an article on the benefits of PHP7 and we continue to list PHP versions supported by web hosting companies.
Not only does A2 Hosting support PHP 7, but they’ve now made it even easier to make the switch with their PHP Switcher Tool which is available in their control panel.
Let’s Encrypt SSL
Now that websites not using https are being flagged as unsafe, and with Google continuing to encourage all websites to implement SSL/TLS, it’s even more imperative to secure your site. A2 Hosting has joined other hosting companies in offering free SSL certificates from Let’s Encrypt. They are automatically applied to your A2 Hosting account.
Developer Access
Developer Access might just be the most exciting improvement from A2 Hosting—particularly for larger application environments. With this new feature, you can allow your development team to have some access to your account without having to share your login details. So for example, you could allow them to manage your services such as email, DNS, etc.—as well as create and respond to support tickets. Developers can also purchase additional services you may need.
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