You may have noticed that iPage has one of the lowest prices available for unlimited web hosting. With such a deal, many people considering using iPage are skeptical about how well they provide hosting services and treat their customers. As someone who’s been using iPage for some time now, I’ve found that not only is iPage legit, they provide one of the best value hosting plans around that website owners from many different fields can utilize with great results.
What’s great about iPage is that their hosting plan is good for beginners and experienced website owners alike. Their custom control panel interface is very easy to use and you get access to website building tools (great for newbies) as well as applications and content management systems that more experienced webmasters can use like WordPress, Joomla, etc.
iPage’s hosting plan is extremely affordable and flexible. All types of website owners can use their hosting to have a successful online presence. Bloggers, entrepreneurs, artists, and small business owners can all use iPage’s tools and services to quickly get their sites going.
I use iPage for several of my own sites including my photography and marketing websites. I definitely think the value you get with iPage hosting is outstanding.
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