One of the most often overlooked web hosting plan features for website owners is the control panel interface supplied by your web hosting company. Sure, you need to know the storage and resource limits, how many sites you can host, and what type of customer support is provided. But since you’ll probably be spending a lot of time working within your control panel, you want to make sure that the interface is to your liking and that you’re comfortable with the layout.
Though you can still find some web hosts that use a text based control panel, the majority of web hosting companies now use a graphic based interface. And, the most popular one continues to be cPanel.
With cPanel, you get easy one click access to your email functions, file manager, backup tools, security functions, domain management tools, databases, web applications, stats, and more. Each web host will customize the look of their cPanel slightly. And while there are many hosting companies offering cPanel, here are three of our favorites that we feel give you the best web hosting with cPanel.
InMotion Hosting is an outstanding choice for business web hosting. You can access their cPanel from your Account Management Panel (AMP). Your web hosting account information can be found on the left side of your screen. You’ll also find links to the cPanel functions that you frequently use—which will allow you to even more quickly access these items.
While I prefer the default view, there is also an option at the top of the screen to switch to a different cPanel theme. However, be aware that if you change to certain themes then decide you really prefer the previous layout; you may need to contact support to have them change it back for you.
SiteGround is a great choice for managed WordPress or Joomla hosting. With SiteGround, you can access cPanel by logging into your account and clicking on the My Accounts tab. The SiteGround cPanel will have your SuperCacher status displayed on the left hand side along with your account information and stats.
Bluehost offers quality shared hosting among their many services. Bluehost is another top web hosting company that utilizes cPanel. Their cPanel has an iPhone or iPad look to it. As with the others, your web stats are on the left side of the screen.
cPanel allows you to easily access all of the functions and information you need to run your website successfully. For both new and experienced website owners, I would recommend you consider choosing a web hosting plan that includes cPanel as your web hosting control panel interface.
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