When it comes to non-profit organizations that need web hosting, the two biggest concerns are price and ease of use. Since nonprofits typically don’t have a lot of money to spend, they need to be able to host their websites at a low price but still make sure they get quality hosting. Also, because non-profit organizations usually don’t have extra money to hire web designers and developers, they need a hosting solution that lets them easily create their own site.
If you have a non-profit organization and are looking to create your online presence, you may be surprised to find out that in fact there are some great options available. In fact, how about getting your web hosting for free! Dreamhost offers one free shared hosting plan per U.S. based 501(c)(3) organization. Once you sign up for hosting, you need to fax your 501(c)(3) determination letter to them. This is an outstanding opportunity for nonprofits.
1&1 Hosting is another excellent choice for nonprofits. While they may not offer a free option for your organization, they have many affordable plans. And their website builder allows you to easily build a professional site without having to spend extra money on a web designer.
And finally, while we’re on the subject of 501(c) (3) Nonprofits, don’t forget about the Go Daddy Cares program. Your nonprofit charitable organization may be eligible for funding from Go Daddy. Be sure to check the GoDaddyCares.com website to submit your request.
How dose Hostinger compare to GoDaddy? Which web host is better? In this comparison of…