Some of the most common questions asked by those looking to buy web hosting for the first time involve pricing. Can you get good hosting when paying a lower price? Or, will spending more money mean that you will naturally get better service? Well, I’ll start off by saying, yes—you can get quality web hosting for a cheaper price. You don’t necessarily have to spend a lot of money to get great hosting for your website.
If you’re looking for the lowest price on your web hosting, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find a bunch of great deals available right now. The competition between web hosting companies has really heated up. And whether you need business or personal website hosting, you can get all the features you need at a low price with some excellent web hosts.
I’ve always said that price should not be your primary concern when it comes to web hosting. However, I know that many people are on a tight budget and would like to get the cheapest hosting deal available. Fortunately, I’ve found that it is possible to get quality web hosting while keeping the cost down.
Despite price increases with some web hosting companies, the good news in 2019 is that you can still find some excellent options when it comes to budget web hosting. The following web hosts all offer low introductory rates. And in the case of two (InterServer and FastComet), your renewal rates stay the same.
InterServer is one of the best budget hosting options for all types of websites. With InterServer, you get quality cPanel web hosting that includes features that often cost you extra money with other web hosts. Currently, you can get InterServer’s web hosting for as little as $4 mo. And with their Price Lock Guarantee, you don’t have to worry about rising renewal rates—you pay the same price at renewal time!
For many years, iPage has been one of our top recommendations for budget web hosting. And, they continue to offer a feature packed, all-inclusive hosting plan at the low introductory price of only $1.99 mo. Yes, you do have to pay more at renewal time, but iPage is one of the few web hosts that still offers a single shared hosting plan that lets you host unlimited domains and doesn’t limit you on disk space or bandwidth.
While FastComet’s initial prices are a bit higher than the other web hosts here, they also include probably the best combination of premium features. And, your renewal prices remain the same as the amount you initially signed up for. They also have the widest selection of data center locations of any of these web hosts.
Hostinger is a pioneer of affordable web hosting, and they’re another excellent budget hosting option that provides a ton of great features at a very low price. And, their Loyal Customer Guarantee Program saves you money at renewal time.
How dose Hostinger compare to GoDaddy? Which web host is better? In this comparison of…