A2 Hosting New and Improved

A2 Hosting is now new and improved! Actually, we’ve always consider the web hosting at A2 Hosting to be top notch. You can check out our review here. What has been updated is the customer account interface at A2. Unveiled on the Fourth of July this past Monday, the new customer environment is being referred to as My A2 Hosting.

The new My A2 Hosting includes an improved graphical interface that is easier to use. And, you’ll also be able to view it on your mobile device or tablet as it is totally responsive. It’s important to point out that the new interface does not replace cPanel but is a nice complement to it. My A2 Hosting can be used for tasks such as billing, purchasing a new service, and contacting customer support.

You’ll notice a difference when you first log in to your A2 Hosting account. You’re now able to get a filtered view of your A2 Hosting products and services as well as place a new order via the left side menu.

However, the big change occurs when you click on one of your specific hosting products. The new My A2 Hosting control panel gives you more detailed information on your connection details and usage statistics.

Even better, when you scroll down a bit you’ll see the new Quick Shortcuts section which lets you perform frequently used important tasks—without having to go into cPanel first. For example, you can access the File Manager, your email accounts, phpMyAdmin, Addon Domains, data backups, and more. The only minor quibble I have is that a shortcut for Webalizer is not included—only AWStats. Currently, you can’t customize the shortcut area. Hopefully in the future the Quick Shortcuts section will be dynamic to include the functions that you specifically use all the time.

In our opinion, A2 Hosting is a solid choice for those looking for a high speed hosting solution. And the new My A2 Hosting interface is definitely an improvement for an already impressive web hosting plan.

Click Here for More Details on A2 Hosting

Michael James

Michael James is the Founder and Editor of WebHostingCat.com. After spending 15 years in the IT industry, he now publishes multiple websites to help business owners and bloggers.