Duane Forrester - Bing
The Pubcon 2015 conference in Las Vegas, NV, was a great opportunity for website owners and content creators to learn about the best ways to promote their sites. Among the many topics covered during the event was of course search engine optimization. Here are the 7 best SEO tips presented at various times throughout week.
By far the number one tip coming out from Pubcon was the idea that you must provide helpful information to your users above everything else. These days, it’s not enough to just put up average content and try to optimize it. From Gary Illyes of Google to Duane Forrester of Bing, and many other speakers at the conference the message was clear; helping your users should be your primary goal. Helpful content will get you better search engine rankings.
Here’s a great tip from Will Reynolds of Seer Interactive. Instead of striving to create new content all of the time, why not focus on updating and refreshing some of your existing content that is already getting a lot of traffic? By enhancing your popular content even more, you’ll be providing more help to your users and should receive even better search engine results.
Identifying existing pages with broken links and attempting to replace them with links to your content is not a new idea. However, several sessions at Pubcon contained in-depth presentations on exactly how to go about it. Jim Boykin of Internet Marketing Ninjas gave one of the best overviews on Broken Link Building as well as other link building ideas.
Here’s another one from Will Reynolds. Another way of helping out your users (and encouraging visits to your website) is to boost their self-esteem. Your site content should not only answer the questions your visitors have, but it should also make them feel special that they have obtained knowledge that others may not have.
According to Duane Forrester of Bing, Millennials will be receiving about $7 Trillion in wealth from their Baby Boomer parents in the coming years. Needless to say, they make up the target audience of where the money will be. Gary Illyes of Google also spent quite a bit of time explaining Generation Y’s habits and likes—and why you should be focusing on this audience when it comes to SEO. With Google and Bing both focusing on Millennials, it certainly makes sense that you too should be aware of what they are looking for and correspondingly adjust your content.
There has been a lot of talk about mobile computing for some time now. And, you’ve all probably heard about Mobilegeddon. But the truth is, more and more searches are being performed on mobile devices as opposed to the desktop. Indeed, there may be a point soon where almost all search is done on smartphones. So, you really need to make sure your site is primed for mobile search.
While one of your primary goals is to have your site content answer the user’s question, that no longer is enough. You’ve actually got to think ahead and anticipate the next steps your customer (or potential customer) needs to take after reaching your content. Again, it goes back to helping your users out as much as possible. Incorporating the additional steps your user needs to take will make your content more valuable.
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