iPage Updates Comparison Chart

Here’s a follow up to my post last week on Web Hosting Hub’s comparison chart on their web site. Just recently, iPage updated the Do Your Homework page on their website and now have their own chart where they compare their web hosting features with those of six other well-known web hosting companies: Go Daddy, Fat Cow, Bluehost, JustHost, 1&1, and InMotion. It’s a good, easy to read chart that covers some of the basic features of web hosting plans. Certainly, it’s not a surprise that iPage looks to be the best choice from their data presentation. Let’s take a closer look.

Just for disclosure purposes, I use iPage hosting for some of my sites. And I also use or have used some of the hosting companies on their comparison chart. iPage has worked out very well for me, but so have InMotion, Bluehost, and Go Daddy. The iPage comparison chart can be broken down into several categories: Price, free add-ons, capacity, advertising credits, and customer support.

For price, they list a one, two, and three year rate. Here, iPage is the cheapest. However, for companies that offer a number of different hosting plans like 1&1 and InMotion, they have selected only one particular plan—so the price comparison to these companies isn’t quite how it appears. While I believe that iPage is still the cheaper option, it isn’t quite the apples to apples comparison here. They also list the money-back guarantees. The free add-on, and capacity (space, bandwidth, etc.) categories are pretty similar across the board—with an exception here and there. Likewise, there isn’t a great amount of difference with advertising credits and support—with one notable exception. I do like that they indicate those web hosts that do not offer chat support.

From their comparison chart, iPage certainly looks like a clear winner. Just keep in mind that there are other factors you should also consider when shopping for web hosting. While I believe that iPage is a great choice for many, some of the other hosting companies on the chart may have advantages in other features not listed on this particular comparison.

Visit the iPage website to view the complete web hosting comparison chart.

Michael James

Michael James is the Founder and Editor of WebHostingCat.com. After spending 15 years in the IT industry, he now publishes multiple websites to help business owners and bloggers.