iPage Updated Review 2015

Since my initial review of iPage, there have been a number of changes to their hosting plan. On the plus side, they have added even more free extras to their hosting package. Also on the positive side, their prices continue to be very affordable–with their hosting ranking very high on the value side.

There have also been other changes that may impact how good of a fit iPage may be for your website. Their software installation tool may be a bit confusing to some. For example, installing WordPress on a domain located separately from iPage wasn’t quite as straight forward as it once was. Also, they have changed their money back guarantee from “Anytime” to a more standard 30 days. And, they are currently classifying their storage space and bandwidth as “Scalable” as opposed to “Unlimited”. However, for most people there aren’t really limits—as long as you abide by their terms of services.

The bottom line for now is: iPage continues to be one of the best value hosting plans out there. However, we feel their hosting is now best suited to a more targeted consumer audience (i.e. beginners that plan to use their site building tools rather than a content management system).

Click Here for Current Details on iPage Hosting

Michael James

Michael James is the Founder and Editor of WebHostingCat.com. After spending 15 years in the IT industry, he now publishes multiple websites to help business owners and bloggers.