If web mail is an important part of your web hosting needs, here’s some news you may want to consider. Over the next few months, iPage will begin using Open-Xchange for mailboxes associated with your hosting account there. Apparently there have been suggestions for improved web mail and this change should make things smoother for those that need to use web mail a lot.
The primary benefits users will encounter are:
1. A much improved user interface that displays your emails, contacts, task, and meetings.
2. An integrated calendar/meeting scheduler functionality is now included.
3. Better organization of email and contacts—with the ability to add photos and detailed notes.
The Open-Xchange interface is supposed to be similar to Microsoft Outlook. So, if you’re familiar with Outlook, this change should be beneficial. If you’re an existing iPage customer, you don’t need to do anything to convert over. You’ll be notified by email and the changeover will occur automatically for you. iPage assures you that no email will be lost or transferred during this process. And, you can access your web mail the same way you do now.
For more information, see the iPage website.
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