iPage Gives You Your Own Account Manager

While tech savvy webmasters can purchase web hosting and then setup and build a website on their own, other people need assistance in getting started. Most web hosting companies are very good about sending out helpful welcome emails and offering help to get you started whether by phone, chat, or email support. But for those who want a more personal touch when they need assistance, iPage has now taken it a step further by providing customers with their own account manager.

According to iPage, you will be provided with a direct phone number, email, and work schedule of your account manager. This person will be able to provide help in setting up your website and email as well as review your site. They can then offer suggestions for improvements and attracting new visitors.

For new signups, your account manager will call within your first days with iPage. I contacted them to ask about existing iPage customers and was informed that the account manager service was for new customers only and only new signups would be receiving the account manager emails. However, if you currently have an iPage account and are interested in communicating with an Account Manager about your site, it certainly wouldn’t hurt to ask. They might very well connect you with someone there to help you out.

Michael James

Michael James is the Founder and Editor of WebHostingCat.com. After spending 15 years in the IT industry, he now publishes multiple websites to help business owners and bloggers.