If you’re looking to purchase hosting for your website, I highly recommend putting in the time doing research online to find the best web hosting solution for you. There is a ton of web hosting review sites out there, so it’s important to focus on quality websites that provide detailed and truthful reviews based on actual experience with the various web hosts.
Frequently, you’ll find a top ten or ranked list of hosting companies—I myself have included these in the past. But it’s important not to get too hung up on who’s number one or number two, etc. These rankings could be based on factors that may or may not be of prime importance in your situation. So when doing your research, remember to look beyond the rankings.
Another trap you should avoid is looking at the quantity of customer reviews for each company that a certain review site may have. You might have seen some review sites that say they have thousands of reviews on some hosting companies. These kinds of sites tend to be popular these days. But keep in mind; you never really know how legitimate these “customer” reviews might be. In fact, you don’t really know if that person actually used the particular web host their submitting the review on.
So how should you use web hosting review sites? As I wrote earlier, I think it’s very important to look beyond any number rankings or number of reviews and look for detailed information based on actual experiences. A lot of review sites simply rehash what can be found on the web hosts own websites. While there’s bound to be some overlap, make sure there is also detailed information obtained from being an actual customer that has really used that hosting service. On our site, webhostingcat.com, the reviews I’ve posted are the results of my real experiences using that hosting company for my websites.
With so many web hosting review sites around, I encourage you to be careful in doing your online research. And I hope you’ll consider this site as a part of your resources.
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