Go Daddy CEO Blake Irving Emails Customers

Earlier this month Go Daddy CEO Blake Irving sent out an email to customers—including myself. In the message, Irving wrote about the current state of Go Daddy and about the upcoming changes customers will start seeing. These changes are apparently the results of their effort to learn more about their customer base together with what they learned about themselves.

I’d previously written about the changes to Go Daddy’s website–which streamlines the login process and provides quicker and easier access to your account items and information. The domain name search and checkout process have also been simplified. The email from Blake Irving also mentions improvements to Go Daddy’s website builder, hosting services, and Outright bookkeeping.

The email concludes with Irving stating that the recent improvements are just the start. He also welcomes more feedback from customers in order to serve everyone better.

Personally, I do like the new changes to the Go Daddy site. I do find it much more intuitive and a better user experience. Check it out for yourself here.

Michael James

Michael James is the Founder and Editor of WebHostingCat.com. After spending 15 years in the IT industry, he now publishes multiple websites to help business owners and bloggers.

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