In case you haven’t checked it out yet, I’ve added a page containing info graphics or charts that compare some of the more well-known web hosting companies. This information is not meant to be your sole criteria for choosing web hosting (see my post on Web Hosting Comparisons). However, I do think you’ll find this data interesting and useful as a complement to your other research.
The information can be primarily divided into two categories, the web hosting company’s basic identifying data and their popularity on social media. You’ll find charts illustrating when the company started doing business, their cheapest hosting plan offered, and how many days you are allowed to get a full refund. On the social media side, I took a look at Facebook Likes, Google Plus 1s, and Twitter Followers. It is interesting to see which web hosts favor which social media outlets.
How dose Hostinger compare to GoDaddy? Which web host is better? In this comparison of…