One of the keys for a successful web hosting experience is finding a hosting plan that both satisfies your online requirements and fits your comfort level of technical knowledge required. Fortunately, there are plenty of options to choose from. And while there are many different categories of web hosting on the market, I like to group hosting plans as follows. This makes it easier for first-time web hosting shoppers to focus on the web hosting plans that will best suit their situation.
Entry Level: Websites Built for You
People with no website experience or technical expertise often want the quickest and easiest way to get a site up and running. Here, you probably want to look at one of the web hosts that will offer you a ready-made website or have one created for you by having you enter some basic information into their site creating wizard. Two good options are: will help you to easily create your site, and 1&1 Hosting takes information you supply and generates your website.
Beginners with Some Experience: Website Builders and Simple Interfaces
The next group of hosting plans is for those that do have a little bit of experience, still want an easy way to create their website, but want a little more control. For those shoppers, I’d recommend looking at:
Both iPage and GoDaddy have user-friendly interfaces and give you options of using a site builder to easily create your website or using a content management system such as WordPress.
Experienced Website Owners: Advanced Options and Upgrade Possibilities
For those of you that have experience with creating websites and have some technical knowledge, you’ll want a hosting plan that includes some advanced options as well as the ability to upgrade in the future. For example, marketers, entrepreneurs, and savvy bloggers that need to create multiple sites could benefit by taking a look at:
Web Hosting Hub and Bluehost both offer unlimited domain hosting and a plethora of software applications you can use to enhance the functionality of your website. And both of these hosting companies offer more advanced packages should you require more power in the future.
Business Website Owners: Enhanced Technical Features for ecommerce and Businesses
Business and ecommerce websites require some unique features in addition to top of the line hardware and support. Many web hosting companies advertise business hosting plans, but I would definitely suggest you consider:
Their business hosting plans include power, performance, and support features that all business sites must have. As someone that’s been a customer for years, as well as having seen their data center in person, I definitely feel InMotion is an excellent choice.
Enterprise Level: VPS and Dedicated Servers
And finally, for the most demanding websites that need enterprise level performance, you need to look at VPS and dedicated server hosting plans. There are quite a few additional factors you need to consider when purchasing a dedicated or VPS server plan. If you feel you need this level of power and processing, I would recommend taking a look at InMotion Hosting and DreamHost. Both have a number of very good VPS and dedicated hosting plans.
How dose Hostinger compare to GoDaddy? Which web host is better? In this comparison of…