Categories: Buying Web Hosting

Cheap Web Hosting Horror Stories

While everyone want to save money, I recently came across an interesting article describing the horrors experienced as a result of cheap web hosting. Now, by cheap web hosting I don’t mean the discounted packages you can get with a proven hosting provider. What we’re dealing with here is the almost free (or free in some cases) type of outfits that usually include ads or other annoying junk when your site is hosted there.

Some of the horror stories that were relayed included a lot of problems with WordPress hosting—including issues with upgrading and installing plugins. Other big problems were not being able to access the control panel, and worst of all having a website infected with all kinds of malware.

I’m happy to say that I’ve not had to experience anything like the above. It’s nice to save some money, but if you’ve made the decision to build your own website, you might as well be willing to invest in quality web hosting. I would avoid so called free web hosting and be careful with ultra-cheap hosting deals. In addition to less than spectacular service, you’ll often have to pay extra for basic features to make up for the $1 mo. or so base price.

Fortunately, the amount of competition in the web hosting business has made even the top companies keep their prices lower to attract customers. Be sure to take advantage of these established web host deals. You’ll have to pay a little more per month, but you also can avoid the above kinds of headaches in the future.

Michael James

Michael James is the Founder and Editor of After spending 15 years in the IT industry, he now publishes multiple websites to help business owners and bloggers.