Just a quick reminder to be careful when looking for deals on web hosting. We all want to save as much money as we can. And, there are certainly some great deals on web hosting plans. But it seems not all sales (or coupon codes) are legitimate. Check out Web Hosting Hub’s site and you’ll see a warning about bogus coupons.
Web Hosting Hub specifically states that they do not offer any coupons or coupon codes through third party sites. They do sometimes run special offers, but they are not classified as coupon codes. And while I know that some web hosting companies do occasionally offer coupon code promotions, the warnings from Hub and other web hosts should serve as a reminder to watch out for unbelievable deals that may be scams.
The bottom line is: Web hosting companies frequently do offer discount deals. However, be sure the sale is from an authorized ad from the company or is being offered on their respective website. Be careful of text ads on search engine results and other sites that claim to give you too-good-to-be-true discounts.
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