You might be wondering whether all web hosting is the same. Is there such a thing as good web hosting or bad web hosting? And if so, what can good web hosting do for you? Well, there really are good web hosts and bad ones. And good web hosting can benefit not only your website, but also your business or personal brand. Here are just some of the benefits of good web hosting.
Good Uptime and Performance Speed Means More Credibility
You want your website to be accessible and to run smoothly. Your website is an extension of your brand, so it makes sense that avoiding a slow loading or unavailable site is important. A good web host has top of the line hardware and a high performance server network that insures maximum uptime and faster loading pages for your website.
Good Security Ensures Your Website Remains Accessible
Security is a major issue with websites these days. While no website is 100% hack-proof, a good web hosting company will provide you with the proper security to thwart most types of attacks on your website. The web hosting plan you choose should include protection from malware and viruses, but also guard against things like DDoS attacks.
Reliable Backup and Restore
The best safeguard against website attacks is sufficient backup of your data. Although it’s not a great idea to rely solely on your web host to back up your stuff (you should always perform your own backups too), a good web hosting plan will include free backup and restore of your website data. Having a reliable backup and restore mechanism is the ultimate protection against attacks on your website.
Professional Email Appearance
One of the benefits of having your own domain and website is that your web hosting plan should also include the ability to create your own email accounts with your domain name. Having your own email address with your domain is much more professional looking than using a free account from Google, Yahoo, etc. Additionally, a good web hosting plan will also include email features like spam protection, auto responders, and filtering.
Good Support Means less Time Spent on Fixing Problems
While it may seem obvious to some people, I can’t stress enough the importance of customer support when selecting a web host. A responsive and productive customer support team will allow you to focus on creating content for your website (along with your other tasks) instead of spending all of your time trying to get your site to function correctly.
Free Ways to Promote Your Website
A good web hosting plan will also include free extras with your account. Among some of the most useful freebies (especially for businesses) are the free advertising and search marketing credits that many web hosts include. These credits can be used to effectively promote your new website to generate more traffic. In addition, some hosting plans will also include directory listings such as a listing to further promote your business or other website.
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Excellent blog, Michael. Today, almost every business is expanding online which is why it has become crucial to hire a top-notch web hosting service for your website.