Surprisingly, the landscape of web hosting apps is still fairly sparse when it comes to web hosting companies releasing apps that allow customers to perform tasks on their mobile devices. In the past, Go Daddy was one of the few major players to have their own app—see my prior post for more details on that one. However, now 1&1 Hosting is offering their Insights app that allows you to view vital web statistics directly on your smartphone or tablet computer.
I recently took a look at the 1&1 app. And although it isn’t a replacement for Google Analytics or your heavy duty web analytics packages, it does conveniently give you access to your basic web stats in an easy-to-read format. When launching the app, you can see data like page impressions, number of visitors, origin of traffic, and number of visitors. If you’re a 1&1 customer, it’s worth checking out. The 1&1 Insights app is available for both iOS and Android.
How dose Hostinger compare to GoDaddy? Which web host is better? In this comparison of…