When choosing web hosting, I usually recommend going with a more established well-known company instead of some newer or unheard of host. While even the more familiar names can lay an egg sometimes, this strategy has worked out well for me. That being said, there are certainly many fine web hosting companies that are newer and lesser known. Checking out some of these companies can reveal some impressive features that could very well have them break out from the pack and become a top website hosting provider. Here are three newer or lesser known web hosting companies that look very intriguing.
HostMetro started business in 2012. They offer three fully loaded hosting plans ranging from $3.49 mo. to $12.49 mo. All of them include the important features needed to host a successful website. What is particularly intriguing is their Metro Max Guarantee which includes their pledge never to raise your renewal rates as long as you host with them. Most of the time, the price tag is higher after your initial term, which makes this promise very interesting.
Site5 offers both shared and cloud web hosting. They started business in 2008. With their shared hosting plans, you can select the location of your server from a list of places within the U.S. and in other parts of the world—though there is a small extra charge for locations other than Dallas, TX, which must be the default location.
And, Superb Internet may have been around since 1996, but they may be ready to become an even more recognized name in the business. They offer a wide variety of hosting plans including shared, VPS, dedicated, and managed hosting. And their data centers in Hawaii, Seattle, and Washington DC, with 24x7x365 on-site technicians allow them to offer 100% network uptime.
Keep in mind; I’m not suggesting you jump into business with these companies right this minute. Time will tell if they are indeed able to achieve greater success and become one of the industry leaders. I would however continue to keep them in mind if you need hosting somewhere in the distant future.
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